Almost all BCHS preschool teachers are trained in and have access to the Second Step violence prevention curriculum. This curriculum includes classroom-based lessons on empathy, anger management, impulse control, and social problem solving. For more information on the Second Step program, visit their official website. Dr. Schultz and his staff have collaborated with BCHS in the delivery and evaluation of the Second Step program. In order to evaluate teacher attitudes toward social and emotional programs such as Second Step, Dr. Schultz’ graduate student Archana Ambike and he developed a 31-item questionnaire entitled the TASEL. To view a description and copy of the TASEL, click here. The TASEL assesses different aspects of why teachers may or may not deliver the program (e.g., they don’t feel supported by administrators to deliver the program, they don’t have time to prepare lessons, they don’t believe social and emotional skills are as important as academic skills). Results from TASEL surveys have helped BCHS administrators identify needs within their centers.